Con la ampliación del registro de literatura gris (literatura no convencional) en el área de RHS en América Latina y el Caribe, se creó este espacio para un acceso rápido a publicaciones de interés de la Red de Observatorios de Recursos Humanos de Salud, donde encontrará informes, guías, políticas y otras publicaciones técnicas y científicas con la posibilidad de utilizar filtros por tema, año de publicación, país, idioma, entre otros.


Interfase de búsqueda que permite la recuperación de documentos indexados del Repositorio de Recursos Humanos de Salud.

Resultados: 3

Pan American Seminar on Education and Health Care: final report

The Pan American Seminar on Education and Health Care (which from now on will be called simply the Seminar, in the interest of brevity), was sponsored by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) in association with the World Health Organization (WHO) and was organized by the Pan American Federat...

Brazilian More Doctors Program: assessing the implementation of the Education Axis from 2013 to 2015

Interface (Botucatu, Online); 23 (supl.1), 2019
Abstract The More Doctors Program (PMM) was created in 2013. Guided by social needs, it set a new regulatory framework for medical education and residency in Brazil. This study is based on public policies and their actions aimed at implementing changes in medical education in PMM, as well as their result...

Career choice in primary care: pre- and post-comparison of Honduran physicians completing social service

ABSTRACT Objective To describe and compare patterns of specialty choice among physicians in Honduras before and after completing mandatory social service; and to identify and compare salary perceptions and factors that may influence their career choice. Methods A quantitative methods approach was used ...